Hello! Before you use the ATTPL App, it’s important to understand the rules we’ve set for 100% transparency & privacy of the entity in the discussion, Ashoka Technology Private Limited, alongside the respective users.

These rules are like laws to keep everything safe and fair. They’re made by the legal team of Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited, the owner of the ATTPL App. When you use our app, you agree to follow these rules, set under the rule of law which governs the land of the nation, India. Terms & conditions of using the ATTPL App cover various information, including app usage, data protection, and conflict resolution, among others.  

If you don’t agree with these rules, you won’t be able to use the app. We also might change these rules sometimes, so it’s good to check them once in a while. If you have any questions about these rules, you can ask us.  

We’re here to help! 

AGREEMENT TO TERMS: Our book of law! 

Ensuring the safety and security of the ATTPL App is paramount for the organization. Keeping in mind the interest of the company and our consumers, who are the people of Bharat at large, we have constituted a list of Terms & Conditions.  

These regulations are strictly devised and cannot be surpassed in any situation without the due consent of the stakeholders of the organization, hereby referred to as Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited. 

The terms & conditions agreement is made between you, whether personally or on behalf of Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited, concerning your access to and use of the Election Management Service app provided by Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited.  

By accessing or using the App, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to respect & be bound by all of the below-mentioned Terms & Conditions.  

Please reach out to our corporate law team or support or stakeholders if you are unsure about providing your consent to the terms & conditions.  

Please note that disagreement, of any format, raised herewith regarding abiding by the terms & conditions restricts you from usage of the app. In case of any misstep or trespassing of the terms & conditions, Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited and any appointed or concerned member of the company hold the complete rights to initiate legal action against the perpetrator of the company’s sacred laws.  

Please note that the terms & conditions apply to every aspect of the ATTPL App and its ever-growing multi-verse features. Thus, a breach of terms & conditions may be considered as a threat to data security and the company’s overall privacy at large.  

However, the rules are quite simple. Please keep scrolling for a detailed view of all our clauses under the terms & conditions for the usage and privacy of the ATTPL App:  

MODIFICATION OF TERMS: All rights reserved! 

Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited reserves the right to modify the terms & conditions at any time without prior notice. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the App.  

In situations of impromptu additions, deletions, and modifications, the organization doesn’t hold any responsibility for communication. It is advised to stay updated with the terms & conditions of usage and operation of the ATTPL App & all its in-built revolutionary features. By continuing to use the App after changes are made, you are considered in agreement with the terms & conditions. 

AGE REQUIREMENT: There is always a right time! 

The ATTPL App is intended for users who are 18 and above years old. If you are a minor, we advise you to seek support from family members & ask them to register and be the parent user and keep you informed. Please note, that if the organization finds a minor operating the app, it reserves the right to extend legal proceedings against you.  

Be vigilant but never break the laws! 


The organization reserves the rights of supreme control for all the data, any nature of it may apply. Content, features, and functionality of the App, including, but not limited to the source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics are the exclusive property of Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited or its licensors. 

Every entity in the ATTPL App extending to data and properties extending beyond to the larger implications of the digital property on the ATTPL App & EMS are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted by these Terms & Conditions, no part of the App or Content may be reproduced, distributed, modified, or used for any commercial purpose without the prior written consent of Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited. 

USER REPRESENTATIONS: Know your rights & duties!  

By using the App, you represent and warrant that: 

PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: Activities we don’t encourage! 

Users of the Election Management System (EMS) app are expected to adhere to the following guidelines and prohibited activities: 

1. Unauthorized Data Retrieval:  

Users may not systematically retrieve data or content from the EMS app to create or compile collections, compilations, databases, or directories without written permission from the app’s administrators. 

2. Fraudulent Activities:  

Users must not engage in any form of trickery, fraud, or misleading behavior, especially in attempts to obtain sensitive information such as user passwords. 

3. Security Interference:  

Users are prohibited from circumventing, disabling, or interfering with security-related features of the EMS app. 

4. Disparagement and Harm:  

Users must not engage in activities that disparage or harm the reputation of the EMS app or its administrators. 

5. Harassment and Abuse:  

Any use of information obtained from the EMS app to harass, abuse, or harm others is strictly prohibited. 

6. Misuse of Support Services:  

Users should not make improper use of support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct. 

7. Legal Compliance:  

Users must use the EMS app in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 

8. Commercial Activities:  

The EMS app may not be used for advertising or offering goods and services. 

9. Unauthorized Framing or Linking:  

Users are prohibited from engaging in unauthorized framing of or linking to the EMS app. 

10. Malicious Uploads:  

Uploading or transmitting viruses, Trojan horses, or other malicious material that interferes with the EMS app’s operation is strictly prohibited. 

11. Automated Use:  

Users must not engage in automated use of the system, such as using scripts or data mining tools without permission. 

12. Copyright Violations: 

Users may not delete copyright or other proprietary rights notices from any content within the EMS app. 

13. Impersonation:  

Attempting to impersonate another user or person is strictly prohibited. 

14. Unauthorized Profile Transfer:  

Users may not sell or transfer their profiles without authorization. 

15. Spyware and Similar Mechanisms:  

Uploading or transmitting material that acts as passive or active information collection mechanisms is prohibited. 

16. Interference with Service:  

Users must not interfere with, disrupt, or create undue burden on the EMS app or its networks. 

17. Employee Harassment: 

Harassing, annoying, intimidating, or threatening EMS app employees or agents is strictly prohibited. 

18. Bypassing Measures:  

Attempting to bypass any measures designed to prevent or restrict access to the EMS app is prohibited. 

19. Software Copying and Reverse Engineering:  

Users may not copy, adapt, or reverse engineer the EMS app’s software. 

20. Unauthorized Automated Systems:  

Developing or distributing unauthorized automated systems for use with the EMS app is prohibited. 

21. Unlawful Purposes:  

Users may not avail of the services of the EMS app for unlawful or illegal purposes. 

22. Unsolicited Communication:  

Sending unsolicited emails or creating user accounts by automated means is strictly prohibited. 

23. Competitive Use:  

Users must not use the EMS app to compete with the app’s administrators or for any revenue-generating endeavor’s.


Users may have the opportunity to contribute to the EMS app. When making contributions, users must adhere to the following guidelines: 

1. Ownership and Rights:  

Users must own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, releases, and permissions to contribute content to the EMS app. 

2. Non-Infringement:  

Contributions must not infringe upon the proprietary rights of any third party. 

3. Accuracy and Authenticity:  

Contributions must be accurate, authentic, and not false or misleading. 

4. Non-Obscenity:  

Contributions must not contain obscene, lewd, lascivious, or otherwise objectionable content. 

5. Non-Harassment:  

Contributions must not harass, intimidate, or abuse anyone. 

6. Legal Compliance:  

Contributions must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 

7. Privacy Rights:  

Contributions must not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party. 

8. Child Protection:  

Contributions must not solicit personal information from minors or exploit them in any manner. 

9. Non-Offensive Comments:  

Contributions must not include offensive comments based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. 

10. Compliance with Terms:  

Contributions must not violate the terms of use or any applicable laws or regulations. 

Users grant the EMS app unrestricted rights and licenses to use their contributions for any lawful purpose, commercial or otherwise. 


Users may be allowed to leave reviews or ratings on the EMS app. When posting reviews, users must adhere to the following criteria: 

1. Firsthand Experience:  

Reviews should be based on firsthand experience with the EMS app. 

2. Respectful Language:  

Reviews must not contain offensive language or hate speech. 

3. Non-Discrimination:

Reviews must not contain discriminatory references based on various factors. 

4. No Illegal Activity:    

Reviews must not reference illegal activity. 

5. No False Statements:  

Reviews must not contain false or misleading statements. 

6. No Campaigns:  

Users must not organize campaigns encouraging others to post reviews, whether positive or negative. 

The EMS app reserves the right to accept, reject, or remove reviews at its sole discretion. 


Users accessing the EMS app via a mobile application are granted a limited right to use the application strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the app’s terms of use. 

The app administrators reserve the right to monitor and manage the EMS app to protect its rights and property. 

PRIVACY POLICY: Since Data is the new oil! 

Users agree to be bound by the EMS app’s Privacy Policy, which governs data privacy and security. 

COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENTS: Extending respect to our workforce’s hard work! 

The EMS app respects the intellectual property rights of others and encourages users to report copyright infringements, if any. 

TERM AND TERMINATION: Letting is not easy, of course! 

The terms of use shall remain in effect while users use our, in this case, refers as the Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited’s next-generation app. The ATTPL App administrators reserve the right to deny access or terminate users’ accounts for violations of the terms of use. 

In case of termination, users are prohibited from creating new accounts or taking legal action against the app administrators. 

These guidelines ensure the proper use and operation of the EMS app while protecting the rights of users and administrators alike 


As Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited, the creators of the Election Management System (ESM), we reserve the right to enhance, modify, or remove features from our app at our sole discretion and without prior notice. Occasionally, the app may experience downtime due to maintenance or technical issues. We’re committed to minimizing disruptions and keeping you informed of any changes. 

GOVERNING LAW: Bound by the Constitution of India! 

These terms are governed by the laws of India, and any disputes will be resolved in the courts of India. 

DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Every problem has a solution! 

In the event of a disagreement, we’ll first attempt to resolve it through informal negotiations. If a resolution cannot be reached, any legal disputes will be handled in the courts of India. 

CORRECTIONS: For an error-free & seamless experience! 

If we identify any errors or inaccuracies in the Election Management System (ESM), we’ll promptly rectify them. Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our system is our top priority. 

DISCLAIMER: Just in case! 

The Election Management System (ESM) is provided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis. While we strive to provide a reliable and secure platform, we cannot guarantee that it will always be free from errors or interruptions. We’re not liable for any damages or losses incurred while using the system. 

LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: Privileges we hold! 

We limit our liability for any damages or losses resulting from the use of the Election Management System (ESM), including direct, indirect, or consequential damages. 

INDEMNIFICATION: Your loyalty is our best prize! 

Users agree to defend and indemnify Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited against any claims or liabilities arising from their use of the Election Management System (ESM). 

INDEMNIFICATION: Your loyalty is our best prize! 

Users agree to defend and indemnify Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited against any claims or liabilities arising from their use of the Election Management System (ESM). 

USER DATA: Every stone unturned to keep your data private! 

We may collect and store certain data to enhance the performance of the Election Management System (ESM). Users are responsible for any data they transmit through the system. 


You will love it! But, we won’t bother you, we promise! 

By using the Election Management System (ESM), users consent to receive electronic communications and conduct transactions electronically. 

Job Application Terms & Policy: Take a leap of faith, with caution! 

The company is free to take all decisions regarding the terms and conditions of the job and the company reserves all the rights related to it. However, Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited holds the rights to add, edit, delete or modify any or every clause related to the terms & policy of the ATTPL in-app job features, operations, outcomes, and other inclusive factors related to the futuristic job search service. 

Here are some important details you may take note of to enjoy an exclusive and top-notch job search experience: 

The final decision will also be taken by the company.  

The job will be determined as per the qualifications of the candidate. 

If the candidate is not selected due to any reason, the form fee will not be refunded. 

As per the qualification of the work, the candidate can be given a job as a bike rider, transport-helper, driver, farming, construction and infra sector and the place for any legal work will be Jaipur. 

MISCELLANEOUS: All-inclusive rights! 

These terms constitute the entire agreement between users and Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited regarding the use of the Election Management System (ESM). If any provision of these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will still apply. 

Any Concerns or Questions? Contact us now! 

For any inquiries, feedback, or support related to the Election Management System (ESM), please contact us at Ashoka Today Technology Private Limited. We’re dedicated to providing assistance and resolving any issues you may encounter. 

Mail Us At: 

To resolve a complaint regarding the app, our website or to receive further information, please contact us at: 

Ashoka Today Technology Pvt. Ltd. 

Office #4, 1st Floor. 

Landmark: Opposite Manglam Grand Vistas 

Vaishali Nagar West Jaipur, Rajasthan: 302034 


Email us at: 

© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Powered by ATTPL Group. Created for the new Bharat.